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Irontide Brinecaster

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MobIrontide Brinecaster
Image of Irontide Brinecaster
Title <Irontide Raiders>
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Irontide Raiders
Location Daelin's Gate, Tiragarde Sound
Status Killable

Irontide Brinecasters are humans located at Daelin's Gate and in Freehold in Tiragarde Sound.


  • Spell frost frostbolt.png Water Bolt — Hurls a watery bolt at an enemy, inflicting Frost damage.


Objective of


  • Ah... bested at last...
  • At least... I died fightin'...
  • Bury me... with my rum...
  • I'll cut ya from stem to stern!
  • I'll run ya through!
  • It's a watery grave for you.
  • Show yer steel!
  • So this... is what it feels like...
  • Stand and deliver!

Patch changes

External links