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Injured 7th Legion Soldier

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AllianceInjured 7th Legion Soldier
Image of Injured 7th Legion Soldier
Gender Male
Race(s) Dwarf, Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition, 7th Legion
Occupation Soldier
Location Wintergarde Mausoleum, Dragonblight
Status Alive

Injured 7th Legion Soldiers are located in Wintergarde Mausoleum in Dragonblight.

Objective of


  • I was almost ghoul bait! Thanks for the rescue!
  • It's a good thing you came along, ally! We were done for!
  • Thanks for the cover fire! It's a MADHOUSE down there!
  • Wow, I thought I was a goner! Thanks, friend!

Patch changes

External links