Implosive Trap

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Implosive Trap
6bf explosive shard.png
  • Implosive Trap
  • Row 10 hunter talent
  • 40 yd range
  • 1 min cooldown
  • Instant
  • Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing (57.33% of Attack power) Fire damage and knocking all enemies up. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
Class Hunter
School Fire
Cooldown 1 minute
Talent required [Serrated Tips] or [Moment of Opportunity] or [Born To Be Wild]
Other information
Improvements [Moment of Opportunity]

Implosive Trap is a hunter class talent.

It is an exclusive choice node with [High Explosive Trap].

Patch changes

External links