Huntmaster S'thoc

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MobHuntmaster S'thoc
Image of Huntmaster S'thoc
Race Saurok (Humanoid)
Level 91 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Thunderpaw Overlook, A Brewing Storm
Status Killable

Huntmaster S'thoc is a level 91 saurok found at the Thunderpaw Overlook of the scenario, A Brewing Storm.


  • Ability marksmanship.png Triple Shot 45 yd range — Fires a volley of missiles at an enemy and its nearby allies, striking up to 3 targets for 200% weapon damage. 1.5 sec cast
  • Inv potion 94.png Venom Cloud 45 yd range — Inflicts 0 Nature damage to enemies within the cloud every 5 sec. and reduces healing effects by 0% for the until cancelled. 1 sec cast. Spawns a pool, where standing in triggers...
    • Inv potion 94.png Venom Cloud 45 yd range — Inflicts 0 Nature damage to enemies within the cloud every 2 sec. and reduces healing effects by 90% for the until cancelled. Instant.
  • Ability poisonarrow.png Viletongue Sting 40 yd range — Causes Nature damage over 14 sec and reduces healing effects by 90% for the duration. 3 sec cast


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