Hunter abilities

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For hunter abilities and talents on Classic servers, see Hunter abilities (Classic).

Hunter abilities are abilities used by hunters. Most abilities are shared between all specializations, while some are only specific to one (or two) specializations.

Class abilities

All hunters automatically learn the following abilities at the specified level, regardless of specialization. Pet abilities are listed at Pet abilities.

Ability Level
[Steady Shot] 1
[Arcane Shot] 2
[Wing Clip] 3
[Disengage] 4
[Aspect of the Cheetah] 5
[Beast Lore] 5
Ability hunter beastcall.png [Call Pet 1] 5/B Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
[Dismiss Pet] 5
[Feed Pet] 5
[Mend Pet] 5
[Revive Pet] 5/B Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
[Tame Beast] 5/B Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
[Feign Death] 6
[Hunter's Mark] 7
[Aspect of the Turtle] 8
[Exhilaration] 9
[Freezing Trap] 10/B Hunter [1-10] A Hunter's Trap
Ability hunter beastcall.png [Call Pet 2] 10/B Hunter [1-10] Hunting the Stalker
Ability hunter beastcall.png [Call Pet 3] 17
[Flare] 19
[Command Pet] 22
[Eyes of the Beast] 29
Ability hunter beastcall.png [Call Pet 4] 41
[Eagle Eye] 43
Ability hunter beastcall.png [Call Pet 5] 48

Specialization abilities

The three hunter specializations are Beast Mastery (ranged DPS), Marksmanship (ranged DPS) and Survival (melee DPS).

For a summary of the characteristics and strengths of each spec, see Hunter specializations.


Talents become available at level 10. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

Row 5 is locked until 8 points are spent, and row 8 is locked until 20 points are spent.

Class talents

Row Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Natural Mending] 1
[Posthaste] 1
[Kill Shot] 1 Automatic for all specs
2 [Rejuvenating Wind] 1 Natural Mending
[Hunter's Avoidance] 1 Posthaste
[Improved Kill Shot] 1 Kill Shot
3 [Wilderness Medicine] 1 Rejuvenating Wind
[Tar Trap] 1 Rejuvenating Wind OR Hunter's Avoidance
[Tranquilizing Shot] 1 Hunter's Avoidance OR Improved Kill Shot
[Concussive Shot] 1 Improved Kill Shot
4 [Survival of the Fittest] 1 Wilderness Medicine OR Tar Trap
[Entrapment] 1 Tar Trap
[Counter Shot] 1 Tar Trap OR Tranquilizing Shot (Beast Mastery and Marksmanship only)
[Muzzle] 1 Tar Trap OR Tranquilizing Shot (Survival only)
[Kodo Tranquilizer]/
[Devilsaur Tranquilizer]
1 Tranquilizing Shot
[Misdirection] 1 Tranquilizing Shot OR Concussive Shot
5 [Scout's Instincts] 1 Wilderness Medicine OR Survival of the Fittest
[Padded Armor] 1 Survival of the Fittest
[Lone Survivor] 1 Survival of the Fittest OR Entrapment OR Counter Shot/Muzzle
[Specialized Arsenal] 1 Counter Shot/Muzzle
[Disruptive Rounds] 1 Counter Shot/Muzzle OR Kodo Tranquilizer/Devilsaur Tranquilizer OR Misdirection
[No Hard Feelings] 1 Misdirection
[Scare Beast] 1 Concussive Shot OR Misdirection
6 [Intimidation] 1 Scout's Instincts OR Padded Armor OR Lone Survivor
[Explosive Shot] 1 Lone Survivor OR Specialized Arsenal OR Disruptive Rounds
[Binding Shot] 1 Diruptive Rounds OR No Hard Feelings OR Scare Beast
7 [Bursting Shot]/
[Scatter Shot]
1 Intimidation
[Territorial Instincts] 1 Intimidation
[Trigger Finger] 2 Intimidation OR Explosive Shot
[Blackrock Munitions] 1 Explosive Shot
[Keen Eyesight] 2 Explosive Shot OR Binding Shot
[Tar-Coated Bindings] 1 Binding Shot
[Scrappy] 1 Binding Shot
8 [Quick Load] 1 Bursting Shot/Scatter Shot
[Pathfinding] 1 Bursting Shot/Scatter Shot OR Territorial Instincts OR Trigger Finger
[Binding Shackles] 1 Trigger Finger OR Blackrock Munitions OR Keen Eyesight
[Camouflage] 1 Keen Eyesight OR Tar-Coated Bindings OR Scrappy
[Kindling Flare] 1 Scrappy
9 [Trailblazer] 1 Quick Load OR Pathfinding
[Roar of Sacrifice] 1 Pathfinding
[Serrated Tips] 1 Pathfinding OR Binding Shackles
[Moment of Opportunity] 1 Binding Shackles
[Born To Be Wild] 1 Binding Shackles OR Camouflage
[Ghillie Suit] 1 Camouflage
[Improved Traps] 1 Camouflage OR Kindling Flare
10 [Emergency Salve] 1 Trailblazer OR Roar of Sacrifice OR Serrated Tips
[High Explosive Trap]/
[Implosive Trap]
1 Serrated Tips OR Moment of Opportunity OR Born To Be Wild
[Unnatural Causes] 1 Born To Be Wild OR Ghillie Suit OR Improved Traps

Specialization talents

Beast Mastery Beast Mastery
Row Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Kill Command] 1
2 [Cobra Shot] 1 Kill Command
[Animal Companion] 1 Kill Command
[Barbed Shot] 1 Kill Command
3 [Pack Tactics] 1 Cobra Shot
[Aspect of the Beast] 1 Cobra Shot
[War Orders] 1 Barbed Shot
[Thrill of the Hunt] 1 Barbed Shot
4 [Go for the Throat] 1 Pack Tactics OR Aspect of the Beast
[Multi-Shot] 1 Animal Companion
[Laceration] 1 War Orders OR Thrill of the Hunt
5 [Cobra Senses] 1 Go for the Throat
[Alpha Predator] 1 Go for the Throat
[Improved Kill Command] 1 Go for the Throat
[Beast Cleave] 1 Multi-Shot
[Wild Call] 1 Laceration
[Hunter's Prey] 1 Laceration
[Venom's Bite] 1 Laceration
6 [Stomp] 1 Cobra Senses OR Alpha Predator
[Kindred Spirits] 2 Alpha Predator OR Improved Kill Command OR Beast Cleave
[Kill Cleave] 1 Beast Cleave
[Training Expert] 2 Beast Cleave OR Wild Call OR Hunter's Prey
[Dire Beast] 1 Hunter's Prey OR Venom's Bite
7 [A Murder of Crows] 1 Stomp
[Barrage] 1 Stomp
[Savagery] 1 Stomp OR Kindred Spirits
[Bestial Wrath] 1 Kindred Spirits OR Kill Cleave OR Training Expert
[Dire Command] 1 Training Expert OR Dire Beast
[Huntmaster's Call] 1 Dire Beast
[Dire Frenzy] 1 Dire Beast
8 [Killer Instinct] 2 A Murder of Crows OR Barrage OR Savagery
[Master Handler] 1 Savagery OR Bestial Wrath
[Barbed Wrath] 1 Bestial Wrath
[Explosive Venom] 1 Bestial Wrath OR Dire Command
[Basilisk Collar] 2 Dire Command OR Huntmaster's Call OR Dire Frenzy
9 [Call of the Wild] 1 Killer Instinct
[Killer Cobra] 1 Barbed Wrath
[Scent of Blood] 2 Barbed Wrath
[Brutal Companion] 1 Barbed Wrath
[Bloodshed] 1 Basilisk Collar
10 [Wild Instincts]/
[Bloody Frenzy]
1 Call of the Wild
[Piercing Fangs] 1 Killer Cobra OR Scent of Blood OR Brutal Companion
[Venomous Bite]/
[Shower of Blood]
1 Bloodshed
Marksmanship Marksmanship
Row Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Aimed Shot] 1
2 [Rapid Fire] 1 Aimed Shot
[Multi-Shot] 1 Aimed Shot
[Precise Shots] 1 Aimed Shot
3 [Surging Shots] 1 Rapid Fire
[Streamline] 1 Rapid Fire
[Improved Steady Shot] 1 Precise Shots
[Crack Shot] 1 Precise Shots
4 [Penetrating Shots] 1 Surging Shots OR Streamline
[Trick Shots] 1 Multi-Shot
[Master Marksman] 1 Improved Steady Shot OR Crack Shot
5 [Fan the Hammer] 1 Penetrating Shots
[Careful Aim] 1 Penetrating Shots
[Heavy Ammo]/
[Light Ammo]
1 Trick Shots
[Bulletstorm] 1 Trick Shots
[Lock and Load] 1 Master Marksman
[Steady Focus] 1 Master Marksman
6 [Deathblow] 1 Fan the Hammer OR Careful Aim
[Barrage] 1 Careful Aim
[Night Hunter] 1 Careful Aim OR Heavy Ammo/Light Ammo
[Tactical Reload] 1 Bulletstorm OR Lock and Load
[Serpentstalker's Trickery] 1 Lock and Load
[Chimaera Shot] 1 Lock and Load OR Steady Focus
7 [Killer Accuracy] 1 Deathblow OR Barrage
[Rapid Fire Barrage] 1 Barrage
[In the Rhythm] 1 Barrage OR Night Hunter
[Lone Wolf] 1 Night Hunter OR Tactical Reload
[Bullseye] 1 Tactical Reload OR Serpentstalker's Trickery
[Hydra's Bite] 1 Serpentstalker's Trickery
[Volley] 1 Serpentstalker's Trickery OR Chimaera Shot
8 [Legacy of the Windrunners] 2 Killer Accuracy OR Rapid Fire Barrage OR In the Rhythm
[Trueshot] 1 In the Rhythm OR Lone Wolf OR Bullseye
[Focused Aim] 2 Bullseye OR Hydra's Bite OR Volley
9 [Razor Fragments] 1 Killer Accuracy
[Wailing Arrow] 1 Legacy of the Windrunners
[Eagletalon's True Focus] 1 Trueshot
[Calling the Shots] 1 Trueshot
[Small Game Hunter] 1 Focused Aim
[Kill Zone] 1 Volley
10 [Readiness] 1 Wailing Arrow
[Unerring Vision] 1 Eagletalon's True Focus OR Calling the Shots
[Salvo] 1 Small Game Hunter
Survival Survival
Row Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Kill Command] 1
2 [Wildfire Bomb] 1 Kill Command
[Raptor Strike] 1 Kill Command
3 [Guerrilla Tactics] 1 Wildfire Bomb
[Tip of the Spear] 1 Raptor Strike
4 [Lunge] 1 Guerrilla Tactics
[Quick Shot] 1 Guerrilla Tactics
[Mongoose Bite] 1 Tip of the Spear
[Flanker's Advantage] 1 Tip of the Spear
5 [Wildfire Infusion] 1 Lunge
[Improved Wildfire Bomb] 1 Lunge OR Quick Shot
[Sulfur-Lined Pockets] 1 Quick Shot
[Butchery] 1 Quick Shot OR Mongoose Bite
[Bloody Claws] 1 Mongoose Bite
[Alpha Predator] 1 Mongoose Bite OR Flanker's Advantage
[Terms of Engagement] 1 Flanker's Advantage
6 [Grenade Juggler] 1 Wildfire Infusion
[Flanking Strike] 1 Wildfire Infusion OR Improved Wildfire Bomb OR Sulfur-Lined Pockets
[Frenzy Strikes] 1 Butchery
[Merciless Blows] 1 Butchery
[Viper's Venom] 1 Bloody Claws OR Alpha Predator OR Harpoon
[Bloodseeker] 1 Harpoon
7 [Ranger] 1 Aspect of the Eagle OR Grenade Juggler OR Flanking Strike
[Exposed Flank] 1 Flanking Strike
[Tactical Advantage] 1 Flanking Strike OR Frenzy Strikes
[Sic 'Em] 1 Merciless Blows OR Viper's Venom
[Contagious Reagents] 1 Viper's Venom
[Outland Venom] 1 Viper's Venom OR Bloodseeker OR Terms of Engagement
8 [Explosives Expert] 2 Ranger OR Exposed Flank OR Tactical Advantage
[Sweeping Spear] 2 Tactical Advantage OR Sic 'Em
[Killer Companion] 2 Sic 'Em OR Contagious Reagents OR Outland Venom
9 [Fury of the Eagle] 1 Explosives Expert
[Coordinated Assault] 1 Sweeping Spear
[Spearhead] 1 Killer Companion
10 [Ruthless Marauder] 1 Fury of the Eagle
[Symbiotic Adrenaline]/
[Relentless Primal Ferocity]
1 Coordinated Assault
[Bombardier] 1 Coordinated Assault
[Deadly Duo] 1 Spearhead

Hero talents

Hero talents become available at level 71. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

A new point is gained at each level, so that every talent node can be unlocked at level 80.

PvP talents

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.


Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Most glyphs are crafted by scribes, are color-coded by class, and can be applied as early as level 11. They can be removed at any time outside of combat using  [Vanishing Powder] (level 80 and lower) or the  [Dust of Disappearance] (level 81 and higher).

Glyph Used on
 [Glyph of Arachnophobia] [Dire Beast]
 [Glyph of Dire Bees] [Dire Beast]
 [Glyph of Lesser Proportion] [Call Pet]
 [Glyph of Nesingwary's Nemeses] [Dire Beast]
 [Glyph of Stellar Flare] [Flare]
 [Glyph of the Dire Stable] [Dire Beast]
 [Glyph of the Goblin Anti-Grav Flare] [Flare]
 [Glyph of the Hook] [Harpoon]
 [Glyph of the Trident] [Harpoon]

Pet taming

Several families and types of pets can only be tamed after learning the correct skill. Certain playable races automatically know how to tame one of these pet types.

Pet family Unlocked with Account Automatically known by
Blood Beasts  [Blood-Soaked Tome of Dark Whispers] Yes
Cloud serpents  [How to School Your Serpent] Yes PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Direhorn  [Ancient Tome of Dinomancy] No Zandalari trollZandalari troll Zandalari
Feathermanes  [Tome of the Hybrid Beast] No
Gargon  [Gargon Training Manual] Yes
Lesser Dragonkin  [How to Train a Dragonkin] Yes
Mechanical  [Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix] No DwarfDwarf Dwarf, GnomeGnome Gnome, MechagnomeMechagnome Mechagnome
Ottuks  [Ottuk Taming] Yes
Undead  [Simple Tome of Bone-Binding] Yes UndeadUndead Forsaken


See also