Hoodoo Hex (Season of Discovery quest)

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For the Classic version, see N Warlock [60R] Hoodoo Hex.
NeutralHoodoo Hex
Start Zanza the Restless
End Zanza the Restless
Level 60 (Requires 58)
Type Raid
Category Zul'Gurub
Class Warlock Warlock
Reputation +100 Zandalar Tribe
Rewards  [Hoodoo Curse],  [Hoodoo Hex]


Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components.

The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin'do and the Bloodlord.

The second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo piles.

Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Spell shadow impphaseshift.png [Hoodoo Curse] Spell shadow impphaseshift.png [Hoodoo Hex]

You will also receive:


Use it well, <class>. Show the Hakkari no mercy!

Patch changes

External links