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Hivelord Vix'ick

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MobHivelord Vix'ick
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Race Mantid (Humanoid)
Level 10-50 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zara'thik
Location Island Expedition
Status Killable

Hivelord Vix'ick is a mantid located in Un'gol Ruins.


  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Bladestorm — Spins a blade around the caster, inflicting Physical damage to all nearby enemies every 1. While performing Bladestorm, movement speed is reduced by 45%.
  • Ability backstab.png Impale — Impales the target, inflicting Physical damage and an additional Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
  • Ability druid galewinds.png Wind Slash — Inflicts 150 Nature damage.


  • Get the ore... to the empress...
  • Her call... is music...
  • Kshh... I fall...
  • The empress' song... fades...
  • We are... thousands... you cannot stop us...

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