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Hall of Champions (Sanctum of Light)

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Hall of Champions
Hall of Champions
Crypt entrance
Crypt interior

The Hall of Champions is an area of the Sanctum of Light. It holds a section with crypts and a large hall with statues of notable paladins. After Tirion Fordring's death, Maxwell Tyrosus and the leaders of Azeroth's paladin organizations established the reborn Order of the Silver Hand here. It is the place of the Altar of Ancient Kings as well as the resting place of Tirion.

The Tomb of Highlord Tirion Fordring was sought by the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and the great hall was defended by Lady Liadrin. When the paladins were bested, the hall was suddenly filled with the force of Light that killed Darion Mograine, who from his last power summoned a death gate for his Four Horsemen and the Deathlord to escape.



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