Hakkari Witch Doctor (Classic)

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For the dungeon version, see Hakkari Witch Doctor.
MobHakkari Witch Doctor
Image of Hakkari Witch Doctor
Gender Both
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 55 - 60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hakkari
Occupation Witch doctor
Location Zul'Gurub
Status Killable

Hakkari Witch Doctors are jungle trolls found in Zul'Gurub.

Hakkari Witch Doctors have an ability to polymorph a target into a frog (Hex). Hexxed targets can still be attacked and will not break the Hex. If a Witch Doctor is part of a group with a Gurubashi Blood Drinker, the Witch Doctor can be mind controlled and Hex the Blood Drinker, neutralizing the AoE life drain and making the Blood Drinker easy to kill. They also summon toads.


  • Spell nature polymorph.png Hex — Transforms an enemy into a frog, rendering it unable to attack or cast spells for 5 sec.
  • Inv misc eye 01.png Release Toads — Summons a swarm of Jungle Toads.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Shock — Instantly lashes an enemy with dark magic, inflicting Shadow damage.
  • Spell shadow antishadow.png Shrink — Reduces nearby enemies' Strength by 200 and Stamina by 100 for 2 min.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Toad Explode


  • Feel da big bad voodoo!
  • I gonna make you into mojo!
  • Troll mojo da strongest mojo!
  • Your skull gonna decorate our ritual altars!

Patch changes

External links