Grishna Falconwing

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MobGrishna Falconwing
Image of Grishna Falconwing
Race Arakkoa (Humanoid)
Level 20-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Grishna
Location Grishnath, Blade's Edge Mountains
Status Killable

Grishna Harbingers are arakkoa found at Grishnath in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


  • Ability druid ferociousbite.png Bestial Wrath — Send your pet into a rage causing 50% additional damage for 18 sec. While enraged, the beast does not feel pity or remorse or fear and it cannot be stopped unless killed.
  • Spell nature moonglow.png Detect Whispers
  • Ability druid rake.png Grishna Kaliri — Summons 1 Grishna Kaliri to accompany the caster until dismissed.
  • Ability throw.png Throw — Throws a weapon at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.


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