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Grand Overspinner Antourix

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MobGrand Overspinner Antourix
Image of Grand Overspinner Antourix
Gender Female
Race Nerubian sage (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Rak-Ahat, Azj-Kahet

Grand Overspinner Antourix is a nerubian sage located in Rak-Ahat in Azj-Kahet.


  • Inv alchemy 80 potion02green.png Militant Green — The caster throws down a toxic and rigid dye which inflicts X Nature damage every 1 sec to victims in it remains in contact with.
  • Inv misc web 01.png Web Bolt — The caster shoots a dense wad of webbing at their current target, inflicting Nature damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 5 sec.


Objective of


Main article: The Entrenched#Notes
Main article: Spring Collection#Notes
Main article: Azj-Kahet's Next Top Dyemaster#Notes

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