Graceful Swan

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NeutralGraceful Swan
Image of Graceful Swan
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Greenstone Inn, Jade Forest; The Celestial Court, Timeless Isle
Status Alive
Relative(s) Cowardly Zue (sister)

Graceful Swan is the innkeeper of the Greenstone Inn at Greenstone Village in the Jade Forest.

When the Timeless Isle appeared, Graceful Swan saw a business opportunity and set up a tent building as an inn at the Celestial Court. She somehow managed to convince her sister Cowardly Zue to join her to work as a stable master.


Jade Forest
Timeless Isle

She sells the same wares, with the exception of her alcohol missing.


Greenstone Inn

Welcome to my inn, weary traveler. What can I do for you?

Celestial Court

Oh, hello!

Please, come in, come in! Rest for a while.

Would you like something to eat? To drink?

Inn Make this inn your home.
Buy Let me browse your goods.


Patch changes

External links

Jade Forest Greenstone Village Timeless Isle