Frenzied Caterpillar

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MobFrenzied Caterpillar
Image of Frenzied Caterpillar
Race Silkworm (Beast)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Widow's Wail, Jade Forest
Status Killable
Pet family Worm

Frenzied Caterpillars are silkworms located in the Widow's Wail in the Jade Forest. They sometimes spawn from destroyed Widow's Web.


  • Ability hunter pet worm.png Frenzy — The caterpillar goes into a frenzy increasing attack speed by 60% for 6 sec.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Silk Wrap — Channels a beam of silk rendering the target unable to move and inflicting Nature damage after 3 sec.

Patch changes

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