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Foul-Tongue Cyrlix

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NeutralFoul-Tongue Cyrlix
Image of Foul-Tongue Cyrlix
Title <Master of Mixing>
Gender Male
Race Maldraxxi necromancer (Humanoid)
Level 10-55 Elite
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Plagues, The Undying Army
Location Plague Watch, House of Plagues, Maldraxxus

Foul-Tongue Cyrlix is a Maldraxxi necromancer located in the House of Plagues in Maldraxxus.


Objective of



The mixing must go on. There is so much to discover!

Gossip What do you need for your mixing?

Toss Miscible Ooze, Viscous Oil, and Mephitic Goo into the Pool of Mixed Monstrosities to create new unexpected life!
You may also toss the ingredients into the Pool of Potions if you need to get rid of them.


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As he is the "Master of Mixing" and directing many of the survivors, he may one of the Barons of the House of Plagues.

Patch changes

External links