Forum:Recipe ranks

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Forums: Village pump → Recipe ranks
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

I'm working on Enchanting formulas for BfA and I'm banging my head on how to treat different ranks. Here are two examples:  [Seal of Critical Strike] and  [Seal of Haste]. The first uses a ton of {{Cv}} and the second just breaks it out into different sections. I can't figure out how to make this look good and be easy to create/update. Also the infobox gets borked for the other ranks. The layout is a bigger problem with the ton of other ranked recipes for other professions. --IconSmall Wildkin.gif Alianin T C 22:29, 28 July 2018 (UTC)

There's always the possibility of creating different pages for them but I doubt this is the optimal way. I'm not very good with templates and layouts so I'm not sure I can help :( Xporc (talk) 07:57, 30 July 2018 (UTC)
I'm inclined to say just make the pages with Rank 1 and then include a section in the page with the reduced mats rather than trying to incorporate it into the tooltip. At the very least it's a temporary solution until/unless we figure out something better. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 20:20, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
my vote goes for the first example. personally, i like the way tabs look--they're nice and neat and make it easy as a reader to parse the info presented. but, on the other hand, such heavy use of version templates does make things harder for the average user to edit... it's a predicament
also maybe we could have someone who's really good at templates take a look at why the box is acting funny on alternate tabs? i know it works fine on quests and items, so maybe something in {{Enchant}} just isn't playing nice with {{Cv}} --Eithris (talk) 00:26, 9 August 2018 (UTC)
Typical. Why did I choose to be afk for over the last fortnight! For the other professions I added a rank column to the main page that listed all the formula but (had the downside of listing some item 3 times, but did mean searching by skill level was easier). The produced item pages went for the simplified format (ie Seal of Haste page), but without ranks-CVs. The ultimate enchant is the same no mater which rank is used. The only concession to rank made was to include multiple reagent itemboxs. concerned. Of course, enchants are a big different since there no such item called Seal of Haste. That is why I was leaving them until last and was very happy someone else started adding them.Dobablo (talk) 11:51, 13 August 2018 (UTC)
What if we created a template similar to {{Faction disambiguation}} for ranks and then created pages like Seal of Haste (Rank 3) or Pattern: Deep Sea Bag (Rank 2). Aliok brought up an issue that you can't link to specific recipes as drops or vendor items if they are all on a single page. --IconSmall Wildkin.gif Alianin T C 21:43, 14 August 2018 (UTC)
Templates might be good, although of limited use. Very few BfA recipe items have multiple ranks (eg. Deep Sea Bag (Rank 2) is trainer taught. Only Rank 3 comes as an item). You can link to non base page recipes like Recipe: Honey-Glazed_Haunches#Rank_3 or have I misunderstood the Aliok-problem. Dobablo (talk) 07:17, 15 August 2018 (UTC)
It doesn't tooltip link that way, though, which is the issue. --IconSmall Wildkin.gif Alianin T C 19:35, 16 August 2018 (UTC)
Oh the tooltip. That makes sense now. So it's a request for two (or more) pages, ie Seal of Haste (Rank 2) and Seal of Haste (Rank 3), which get linked together by generic third page which uses a template to pull together all the sub pages into a single meta-page. Gottcha (I think). I only now learning how the half these templates such as Alliance/Horde version of mirrored quests worked. Dobablo (talk) 06:50, 17 August 2018 (UTC)
The use of {{cv}} on Seal of Critical Strike is not ideal: without javascript, parts of the page become silly (see e.g. the 12108x  [Gloom Dust] cost in the itembox).
I don't quite see the point of repeating the reagents in an {{itembox}} when they're already listed in the {{enchant}} tooltip, so I've removed those from  [Seal of Haste]. The "can be made through" wording is a bit weird when used with ranks, and it's debatable whether we want to hide the source text for other ranks -- for now, I've made it only show one source at a time to check whether {{cv}} works as intended.
Linking to specific ranks should work now:  [Seal of Haste]. — foxlit (talk) 04:02, 19 August 2018 (UTC)