Forge a Pact

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NeutralForge a Pact
Start Lady Vinazian [55.2, 41.2]
End Lady Vinazian [55.2, 41.2]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Type Weekly Meta Quest
Category Meta Quests
Experience 15,250
Previous N [80] Of Pacts and Patrons
Next N [80] Eyes of the Weaver, N [80] Blade of the General, or N [80] Hand of the Vizier


Choose a Severed Threads Pact.

  • Choose a Pact


Let us renew your Pact.

Remember, you may only enter a Pact with one of the Severed Threads at a time. These contracts are temporary, though, so you will have many opportunities to prove yourself to all three.


You will receive:


Choose your Pact wisely. Azj-Kahet can be a dangerous place.


May your chosen patron favor you, as you have them.


Pact choice UI

Speak with Lady Vinazian again:

With Y'tekhi indisposed, you may come to me with your questions of rewards and deeds with the Severed Threads.

Gossip (Quest) Choose a member of the Severed Threads to renew your Pact with.

The pact choice interface appears:

The Weaver
Undermine the threat of Xal'atath.
The General
Destroy ascended loyalists and redeem the military's honor.
The Vizier
Machinate policics and sabotage Sureki influence.

This is an account-wide choice for the week. Picking one will complete this quest and start N [80] Eyes of the Weaver, N [80] Blade of the General, or N [80] Hand of the Vizier.



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