First Mate Drakul

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Not to be confused with Christopher Drakul.
MobFirst Mate Drakul
Image of First Mate Drakul
Gender Male
Race Skeletal troll (Undead)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Port of Zem'lan, Vol'dun[35, 80.2]
Status Killable

First Mate Drakul is a skeletal troll guarding  [Captain Gulnaku's Treasure Map] in the central Port of Zem'lan in Vol'dun.


  • Ability dualwield.png Mighty Strike — The caster strikes with both of their weapons, inflicting Physical damage.

Objective of


Stay away from me treasure map!
Gulnaku's not gonna be pleased about this.

Patch changes

External links