Farmer Nishi

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NeutralFarmer Nishi
Image of Farmer Nishi
Title <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Farmer
Location Heartland, Valley of the Four Winds[46.1, 43.7]
Status Alive

Farmer Nishi is a grand master Pet Tamer located in the Heartland of the Valley of the Four Winds of Pandaria. She is surrounded by her three level 25 battle pets: Siren (elemental), Toothbreaker (elemental), and Brood of Mothallus (beast).

Defeating her is required to complete the  [Taming Pandaria] achievement.

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

She can be seen outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris during the Bronze Celebration.


Beast Brood of Mothallus
[Acidic Goo]
Elemental Siren
[Solar Beam]
Elemental Toothbreaker
[Inspiring Song]
[Leech Seed]
[Sons of the Root]



This year's harvest yielded more than just crops!


Patch changes

External links