Fanatical Ritualist

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MobFanatical Ritualist

Fanatical Ritualist.jpg

Fanatical Ritualist female.jpg

Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Druids of the Flame
Location Smoldering Copse, Emerald Dream
Status Killable

Fanatical Ritualists are night elves found in the Smoldering Copse in the Emerald Dream.


  • Inv ember.png Burning Wrath — Inflicts 20,480 Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Flame Nourish — Imbues the area with the power of a burning dream, increasing the damage and size of creatures within by 5% every 2 sec for 8 sec.

Objective of


  • Fyrakk will open the way!
  • I will be immortal again!
  • I will be reborn in flame.
  • My flame will burn forever.
  • Perish in flames!
  • The Prophet has opened my eyes!
  • This stagnant dream will be renewed!
  • We will all dream of flames!
  • We will bring forth the new Firelord!
  • You cannot extinguish our fire.
  • Ascension... was in my grasp.
  • I wanted... immortality.
  • No... so close.
  • The Prophet promised... eternal life.

Patch changes

External links