Etched Sigil (Classic)

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For the post-Cataclysm quest, see A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Hunter [3] Etched Sigil.
AllianceEtched Sigil
Start Conservator Ilthalaine
End Ayanna Everstride
Level 1 (Requires 1)
Category Hunter
Race IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Night elf
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 40
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+50 Darnassus
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+75 Darnassus
Previous A [2] The Balance of Nature


Read the Etched Sigil and speak to Ayanna Everstride at the top of Aldrassil in Shadowglen.


This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our hunter trainer, Ayanna. It seems Ayanna would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards.


You will receive:


You've arrived, and none too soon, <name>. Welcome to Shadowglen.

I trust my sigil found you in good spirits and health?

As I said previously, I am here to train you as a hunter; to tame beasts to aid you in battle; to use a bow with unerring accuracy; to respect the lands which we call home and also the lands beyond.


As you experience what Shadowglen has to teach you, come see me--I will be able to help you understand more about your role as a hunter and what you are capable of.

These are dangerous times, <name>, do not take for granted the skill of your pets--there are things in this world more dangerous than you can imagine. Go with Elune and return to me again.


  1. A [2] The Balance of Nature
  2. A [3] The Balance of Nature & one of the following:

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