Escape from the Catacombs

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HordeEscape from the Catacombs
Start Ranger Lilatha[63, 32]
End Captain Helios[72, 30]
Level 1-30
Category Ghostlands
Experience 1250
Reputation +250 Silvermoon City
Rewards  [Troll Kickers] or
 [Troll Kickers] or
 [Troll Kickers] or
 [Troll Kickers]


Escort Ranger Lilatha to Captain Helios at Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.

  • Escort Ranger Lilatha back to the Farstrider Enclave
  • Return to Captain Helios at Farstrider Enclave in Ghostlands


These trolls ambushed me and have been keeping me in this cage. I think they're planning to sacrifice me! Help me get out of here!

The lock on the cage isn't that complex... I just can't get to it from this side. Please escort me back to the Farstrider Enclave. I'm sure Captain Helios will reward you, and you'll have my undying gratitude!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boots 05.png [Troll Kickers] Inv boots 05.png [Troll Kickers]
Inv boots 05.png [Troll Kickers] Inv boots 01.png [Troll Kickers]

You will also receive:


You're the one that rescued my ranger?


You're quite the hero, <class>, to get her out of there alive. I suppose we'll have to mount an offensive to clear out those catacombs too. As if we didn't have enough trouble with the living trolls!

You've done a great thing today, I should reward you. Take your pick from any of these.


Ranger Lilatha says: Let's go.
Ranger Lilatha says: <Name>, let's use the antechamber to the right.
Ranger Lilatha says: I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Ranger Lilatha says: There's Farstrider Enclave now, monk. Not far to go... look out! Troll ambush!!
Ranger Lilatha says: Thank you for saving my life and bringing me back to safety, <name>!
Ranger Lilatha says: Captain Helios, I've been rescued from the Amani Catacombs. Reporting for duty, sir!
Captain Helios nods in relief to Ranger Lilatha and her escort.
Captain Helios says: Lilatha, get someone to look at those injuries. Thank you for bringing her back safely.

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