Enthralled Tempest

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MobEnthralled Tempest
Image of Enthralled Tempest
Race Air elemental (Elemental)
Level 10-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kao-Tien
Location Warport Rastari, Zuldazar
Status Killable

Enthralled Tempests are air elementals located in Warport Rastari in Zuldazar.


  • Spell nature stormreach.png Crackling Bolt — Channels a bolt of crackling lightning at a target inflicting Nature damage every 1 sec for 3 sec.
  • Spell shaman thunderstorm.png Unstable Detonation — Upon death, the energy trapped within the caster is unleashed, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies within 6 yards, stunning them for 2 sec.


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