Worker (Warcraft III)

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For the Exodar NPCs, see Worker.



Race Blood elf
Base unit Peasant
Faction Blood Elves
Hit points 240
Hit point regeneration Always
Unit Type Worker
Unit Classified As Ground
Transport slots 1
Sleeps No
Hotkey W
Normal attack 7-8
Range Melee
Attack type Normal
Defense Type Medium
Armor 0
Sound Set Worker
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Workers are blood elf units that construct buildings, mine gold, and harvest lumber. They appear in the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Alliance campaign, "Curse of the Blood Elves". They are produced at the high elf town hall, high elf keep and high elf castle.

They are extremely similar to human peasants, but with a different appearance voice. They can build the same buildings as human peasants, except they cannot build the Workshop, and the buildings they can build can only train blood elves and can only research upgrades for blood elves.

They have their own unique voice, unlike the high elven peasants that appear in Reign of Chaos (who share their voice with human Peasants).

Spells and abilities

Repair (Autocast)

Workers can repair Buildings and Mechanical Units automatically when Repair is enabled. Repairing costs Gold and Lumber.
If you do not have enough Gold or Lumber you will not be able to repair.
Range Allowed Targets Repair Cost Ratio Repair Time Ratio
5 Mechanical, Friend, Non-Ancient, Ground, Air, Structure, Invulnerable, Vulnerable 35% of Build cost 150% of Build time


Mines gold from gold mines and harvests lumber from trees.
Gold Capacity Lumber per Harvest Lumber Capacity
10 Gold 1 Lumber 10 Lumber

Return Resources

Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall.

Build Structure

Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to construct.

Workers can build the same buildings as Peasants, except they cannot build the Workshop. Additionally, the buildings they can build can only train elves and research upgrades for elven units.

Workers build from the outside, so it is possible to pause construction by moving the peasant away. Additionally, multiple Workers can collaborate to build the same building (known as powerbuilding), decreasing the build time but costing additional resources.

Range Powerbuild Cost Powerbuild Time Allowed Targets
5 15% of Build cost 60% of Build time Structure, Player Units


See also