Encoded Fragments

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NeutralEncoded Fragments
Start Archmage Xylem
End Archmage Xylem
Level 52 (Requires 50)
Category Rogue
Experience 7350
Reputation +250 Ravenholdt
Rewards 75s
Previous N Rogue [52] Sealed Azure Bag
Next N Rogue [52D] The Azure Key

Encoded Fragments is the third step in the Rogue class-specific Sunken Temple Quest chain. The final step yields very good rare item for its level.


Bring 10 Encoded Fragments to Archmage Xylem in Azshara.


Lord Ravenholdt has asked a favor of us both. He wishes to remove the enchantment from this bag.

Unfortunately, some of my books on the subject of dispelling were taken recently, only to be destroyed by savages. The remains of my books are still valuable to me.

If you can bring me enough of the encoded fragments, I can piece them back together. Your best chance is to kill forest oozes, since they have a tendency to pick up just about anything. You'll find them in northeast Azshara.

Post-change paragraph

If you can bring me enough of the encoded fragments, I can piece them back together. Your best chance is to kill the beasts of Azshara, since they have a tendency to pick up just about anything.


You will receive:


Have you found enough fragments to continue my work?


It looks like you picked up some of the better fragments. Perhaps you aren't worthless after all.


  • The Encoded Fragments only dropped off the Forest Ooze creatures in Northeast and Southern Azshara. They were later changed to drop off beasts of all kinds, but this change is absent in Classic.
  • It is best to [Pick Pocket] the Oozes first, as they have a chance of giving up to two fragments from pickpocketing, and one from the regular slain loot. If your pickpocket attempt gets resisted, you can immediately vanish and try again. The improved stealth should give you a higher chance of success, and you should still keep your combo points as long as you keep the ooze targeted.
  • Forest Oozes share their respawn with Mistwing Ravagers, so make sure to kill them whenever you see them. If you don't, soon the area will be full of Mistwing instead of Oozes.


  1. N Rogue [52] A Simple Request
  2. N Rogue [52] Sealed Azure Bag
  3. N Rogue [52] Encoded Fragments
  4. N Rogue [52D] The Azure Key

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