Elder Yaka'li

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HordeElder Yaka'li
Image of Elder Yaka'li
Title <Recruiting Officer>
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkspear Trolls
Occupation Officer
Location Town Hall, Frostwall
Status Alive

Elder Yaka'li is a jungle troll located in the Town Hall of Frostwall in Frostfire Ridge.

Yaka'li is one of several recruiting officers available to the hero. She offers the opportunity to exchange the default orc guards for Darkspear trolls. She is only available to players after constructing a level 3 Barracks.



The Darkspear trolls are yours to command.

Gossip I will leave the defense of the garrison to the Darkspear trolls.


  • To enable orc guards once more, the player must venture to their barracks and speak with Serka.
  • The player must be exalted with the Darkspear Trolls to enable Yaka'li.
  • She shares the same model with Hira'jin.

Patch changes

External links