Effusive Anima Accelerator

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Effusive Anima Accelerator
Inv offhand 1h bastion d 01.png
  • Effusive Anima Accelerator
  • Row 12 Mikanikos soulbind trait
  • Activating your Kyrian class ability releases a blast of overcharged anima at your target's location, dealing [1 * (45 / 100 * max(Attack power, Spell power) * (1 + Versatility)) * 5] Arcane damage split evenly between all targets over 8 sec.

    Reduce the cooldown of your Kyrian class ability by 4 sec per affected enemy, to a maximum of 20 sec.
Class All
Covenant Kyrian
Related debuff
  • Effusive Anima Accelerator
  • Taking X Arcane damage every 2 sec.
  • Duration: 8 seconds

Effusive Anima Accelerator is a soulbind trait granted by Forgelite Prime Mikanikos.

Patch changes

External links