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Duke Tectonis

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MobDuke Tectonis
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Race Earth elemental (Elemental)
Level 59-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Searing Gorge[28.0, 79.2]
Status Killable

Duke Tectonis is an earth elemental near the entrance to Blackrock Mountain in the Searing Gorge[28.0, 79.2] during the Blackrock Eruption event.


  • Ability warrior savageblow.png Mortal Strike — Inflicts 200% weapon damage and leaves the target wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 5 sec.
  • Spell fire fireball02.png Pyroclast Barrage — Inflicts 630 to 1170 Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster, stunning them for 6 sec.
  • Ability warrior shieldbash.png Slam — Slams an enemy to the ground, inflicting Physical damage and stunning it for 2 sec.

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