Drakkari Lancer

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MobDrakkari Lancer
Image of Drakkari Lancer
Gender Male
Race Ice troll (Humanoid)
Level 72 - 81 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Drakkari tribe
Location Gundrak
Status Killable

Drakkari Lancers are ice trolls located inside Gundrak.


  • Ability warrior disarm.png Disarm — Disarms an enemy, forcing it to stop wielding its weapon for 5 sec.
  • Ability throw.png Impale — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy and causes it to Bleed for additional damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec.
  • Ability warrior challange.png Retaliation — Instantly counterattack any enemy that strikes you in melee for 5 sec. Melee attacks made from behind cannot be counterattacked.

Patch changes

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