Domination of Frostfire (Alliance)

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AllianceDomination of Frostfire
Frostfire Ridge
Level 100
Duration 8 hrs
Followers 3
Mission Type Combat
Enemies IconSmall Troll Female.gif Troll Hunter
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Blood Elf Paladin
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Undead Warlock
Cost 10 Garrison Resources
Follower XP 1,500


Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance!


  • Type: Snow
  • Troll Hunter: Deadly Minions
  • Blood Elf Paladin: Timed Battle
  • Undead Warlock: Powerful Spell


  • 1,500 follower XP

Patch changes

External links