Deathwhisper Necrolyte

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MobDeathwhisper Necrolyte
Image of Deathwhisper Necrolyte
Title <Cult of the Damned>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 25-30 Elite
Class Warlock
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cult of the Damned
Occupation Necrolyte
Location Pit of Saron
Status Killable

Deathwhisper Necrolytes can be found in the Pit of Saron. Outside of the two guarding the entrance, whom can be pulled individually, more can be found leading groups of six non-elite Skeletal Slaves southwest of the pit. One final group can be found east of the pit.


  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Bolt (Heroic mode) 40 yd range — Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting Shadow damage. 3 sec cast. 5100-6900 damage. 10200-13800 on Heroic.
  • Spell shadow gathershadows.png Conversion Beam (Heroic mode) (Channeled) 30 yd range — Inflicts 1850 to 2150 Shadow damage to an enemy every 2.0 sec and causes Weakened Resolve. 10 second channel. 3700-4300 on Heroic
    • Spell shadow brainwash.png Weakened Resolve — Increases the Shadow damage taken by the caster by 10% for 8 sec. Stacks 10 times.


  • They appear to be using the Warlocks' summon ability.

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