Deadly Heartseeker

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Deadly Heartseeker is crafted with Blacksmithing (300); taught by  [Plans: Deadly Heartseeker], a drop from Cannon Master Willey in Stratholme.

Materials required:
Inv misc stonetablet 05.png 10x [Arcanite Bar] Inv ingot eternium.png 10x [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
Inv misc rune 05.png 2x [Enchanted Leather] Inv misc gem ruby 02.png 6x [Star Ruby]
Inv misc gem diamond 01.png 6x [Azerothian Diamond] Inv misc gem opal 01.png 6x [Large Opal]
Inv stone grindingstone 05.png 4x [Dense Grinding Stone]

Patch changes

See also

External links