Cyrus Therepentous

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NeutralCyrus Therepentous
Image of Cyrus Therepentous
Gender Male
Race Black dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 55 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Location Burning Steppes (Classic),
Unknown (lore)
Status Unknown (presumed deceased)

Cyrus Therepentous is a black dragonspawn quest giver located in a cave in Slither Rock in Burning Steppes.

He has been missing since the Cataclysm, his former home taken over by a dragon of the Red Dragonflight. It is possible Cyrus was killed in the process, as reds and blacks are not known to harbor particularly close relationships.


The item required for the first quest,  [Black Dragonflight Molt], could be gotten easily by completing the Divine Retribution questline in Searing Gorge.


Initial gossip

Only a fool would dare disturb me in my lair.

Later gossip

<Cyrus's eyes glow brightly>

Do I devour you whole or do I allow you to live?

Perhaps you could still be of some use...

Challenge my minion, <race>. Survive and return proof of your victory to me.

Patch changes

External links