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Gatrul'lon Curseweaver

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HordeGatrul'lon Curseweaver
Image of Gatrul'lon Curseweaver
Gender Both
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Jade Forest

Gatrul'lon Curseweavers are orcs located in the Jade Forest.


  • Spell priest voidshift.png Curse of Ga'trul — Afflicts the target with the Curse of Ga'trul. If the curse is not removed before expiring the victim will transform into a demonic creature.

Objective of


  • Finally, an enemy worth fighting.
  • Pandaria will be ours!


  • Internally, the model that is applied with the Curse of Ga'trul is named Cursed Form and is that of a gan'arg.

Patch changes

External links