Crimsonwing Wasp

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MobCrimsonwing Wasp
Image of Crimsonwing Wasp
Race Ravager wasp (Beast)
Level 30-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Wreck of the Mother Lode, Spires of Arak
Status Killable
Pet family Wasp

Crimsonwing Wasps are ravager wasps located in Wreck of the Mother Lode in the Spires of Arak.


  • Ability hunter combatexperience.png Lacerating Spines — Fires lacerating spines at an enemy, causing them to suffer Physical damage if they attempt to move for 12 sec.
  • Ability warrior sunder.png Ravage Armor — Ravages the armor of a target, reducing armor by 15% for 12 sec.

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  • Thrash - Lashes out with horns or tusks, dealing physical damage to enemies in a frontal cone every 1 for 2 sec.

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