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Commander Jo'vak

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MobCommander Jo'vak
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Race Mantid (Humanoid)
Level 10-50 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zara'thik
Occupation Commander
Location Island Expeditions
Status Killable

Commander Jo'vak is a mantid encountered during Island Expeditions.


  • Ability heroicleap.png Fleetwing Ambush — Inflicts 75 Physical damage and knocks back all enemies within 4 yards.
  • Ability warrior bloodbath.png Hacking Slash — Attacks the target, inflicting Physical damage and an additional Physical damage every 2 sec every 8 sec.
  • Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice.png Sinister Strike — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.


  • Her call... is music...
  • I hear her... even as I die...
  • Kshh... I fall...
  • The gold ore is ours! A gift for the empress!
  • We are... thousands... you cannot stop us...
  • You squash one... but many more are coming...

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