Charged War Golem

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NeutralCharged War Golem
Image of Charged War Golem
Race Iron golem (Elemental)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grizzly Hills

Charged War Golem is an iron golem summoned by [Golem Control Unit] to pilot while in Dun Argol in Grizzly Hills. Both Tormak the Scarred of the Horde and Raegar Breakbrow instruct adventurers to use the War Golem's powers to kill Iron Thane Furyhammer.


Vehicle This golem can be mounted.
  • Spell nature lightningbolt.png Charged Smash — Inflicts 385% weapon damage and an additional 12 Nature damage.
  • Spell nature stormreach.png EMP — Disrupts The Anvil, causing it to drop Iron Thane Furyhammer's protective shield. Can only be triggered near The Anvil. (10 sec. cooldown)

Objective of

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