Guest Relations

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WoW's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section is exclusively part of WoW's 20th Anniversary. It has since been removed and is no longer available.
Guest Relations
Guest Relations.png
Duration October 28, 2024 - January 6, 2025

Guest Relations is a sequel to the Secrets of Azeroth event, available during WoW's Anniversary that started on 28 October 2024 with new quests and rewards unlocking most weekdays. Additional secrets (the first local story) opened up on 4 November 2024.[1]


Calendar view

Click on dates in the calendar below to jump directly to the event that took place on that date. On several days, multiple events took place, listed in the note below the calendar for that date. Events went live globally at the daily quest reset time for NA servers, 7 AM Pacific Time / 1500 UTC.

In general, though exceptions exist, the campaign starts on Wednesdays and runs daily until each chapter is finished, local stories are on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, and crates are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No content was released on the weekend.

October / November
27 28[c 1] 29 30 31[c 2] 1 2
3 4 5[c 3] 6 7[c 4] 8 9
10 11 12[c 5] 13[c 6] 14[c 7] 15 16
17 18[c 8] 19[c 9] 20 21[c 10] 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
  1. ^ 28 October — Storyline tutorial: N [10-80] Lost and Busy, and two crates: Hazy and Soggy
  2. ^ 31 October — Storyline quest: N [30-80] Tracking Quest, and two crates: Sandy and Dirt-Caked
  3. ^ 5 November — Local story: Gizmo, and Battered crate
  4. ^ 7 November — Storyline quest: N [30-80] The Final Toy, and Waterlogged crate
  5. ^ 12 November — Local story: Voidfire, and Charred crate
  6. ^ 13 November — Storyline quest: N [30-80] A Pirate Predicament, and Mildewed crate
  7. ^ 14 November — Storyline quest: N [30-80] A Pirate Missive, and Crystallized crate
  8. ^ 18 November — Two local stories: Pet Games and Missing Mementos
  9. ^ 19 November — Local story: Staged Disaster, and Surprisingly Pristine crate
  10. ^ 21 November — Storyline quest: N [30-80] Festive Reflections, and Ghostly crate


The tutorial chapter of the Guest Relations storyline opened up on 28 October. It serves as a refresher of the three toys from Secrets of Azeroth and will award them to players who did not participate in that event. Start by speaking with Alyx in the central pavilion outside the Caverns of Time.

Storyline chapters started every Wednesday thereafter, as marked in the quest list below. The storyline is tracked in  [I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats].

Tutorial (28 Oct)
  1. N [10-80] Lost and Busy
  2. N [10-80] Tat Big Meanie
  3. N [10-80] To da Ruins!
  4. N [10-80] Da Stick of Revealing
  5. N [10-80] Tweasure Hunt
  6. N [10-80] Thoughtful Pursuits
  7. N [10-80] A Whiff of Help
Chapter 1
  1. (30 Oct) N [30-80] The Great DetectiveN [30-80] The "Great" Detective
  2. (31 Oct) N [30-80] Tracking QuestN [30-80] The Trail's Gone Cold
  3. (1 Nov) N [30-80] Warn the DetectiveN [30-80] Spot the Difference
Chapter 2
  1. (6 Nov) N [30-80] Toy TroubleN [30-80] Operation Toy Rescue
  2. (7 Nov) N [30-80] The Final ToyN [30-80] The Toy Thief
Chapter 3
  1. (13 Nov) N [30-80] A Pirate PredicamentN [30-80] Pirate Foods and Superstitions
  2. (14 Nov) N [30-80] A Pirate Missive (optional breadcrumb) → N [30-80] Pirate Gastronomy
Chapter 4
  1. (20 Nov) N [30-80] Secret in the SandsN [30-80] Buried Tweasure
  2. (21 Nov) N [30-80] Festive ReflectionsN [30-80] A Surprising Investigation

Celebration Crates

A Celebration Crate in Gerald the conch at the Dive Bar in Zuldazar.

Clues to the Celebration Crates are from Alyx's call board, or posts from Blizzard. Crate quests are once-per-character and each provided 5x [Bronze Celebration Token] for first-time warband-wide completions during the celebration. Finding and returning six of the crates is required for the  [Crate Insurance Agent] achievement, with all eleven crates required for the  [No Crate Left Behind] achievement.

As of a hotfix on 20 December, crates have a minimum character level of 30 before they will appear.

Unlike the rest of Guest Relations, Celebration Crates are permanently available and can be turned in to Alyx's permanent location in Dornogal.

Much like with the Buried Satchels from Secrets of Azeroth, crates are listed in the order that their clues were first posted or made available. After solving the Soggy crate in Zuldazar when the event began, players backtracked to find the Hazy crate in Desolace. Click on the dates in the table below to view more details for that crate's clue.

Celebration Crates
# Date Crate Coords Location Ransom Note
1 10-22  [Hazy] [54.0, 58.1] Kodo Graveyard, Desolace n/a
2 10-28  [Soggy] [54.2, 54.2] Dive Bar, Zuldazar  [Damp]
3 10-31  [Sandy] [66.9, 44.0] Olivian Veil, Azsuna  [Sandy]
4 10-31  [Dirt-Caked] [22.5, 83.6] Forgotten Crypt, Deadwind Pass  [Dirt-Caked]
5 11-5  [Battered] [29.4, 6.4] Rivenwood, Howling Fjord n/a
6 11-7  [Waterlogged] [69.2, 68.6] Offshore, east of Tanaris  [Sun-Baked]
7 11-12  [Charred] [13.6, 33.5] Whistling Grove, Mount Hyjal  [Burnt]
8 11-13  [Mildewed] [60.4, 35.4] Dire Maul exterior, Feralas  [Mildewed]*
9 11-14  [Crystallized] [35.3, 74.7] Oshu'gun, Nagrand (Outland)  [Shiny]
10 11-19  [Surprisingly Pristine] [37.4, 47.6] Bluffpoint, Stormheim  [Surprisingly Pristine]
11 11-21  [Ghostly] [53.0, 73.8] Bleak Redoubt, Maldraxxus  [Ghostly]

*The Mildewed note half under a pillow by the steam pool.

To see which crates have been returned, listed in order of the table above, copy and paste this command into chat. The first time use may have a bunch of ?s, so repeat the command after a few seconds once the items get cached:

/run local s,t={6263,200,2767,2322,375,2212,2976,5886,2983,2770,3367},{2574,794,1624,1470,931,1426,1767,2523,1773,1625,1909} for i,v in ipairs(t) do print(C_Item.GetItemInfo(226000+s[i]) or "?",":",C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(83000+v)) end

Ransom notes

All nine ransom notes at Caverns of Time

To unlock ransom notes (crates require no unlock and can be picked up without the ransoms), start by finishing the tutorial quests ending with N [10-80] A Whiff of Help. Then, speak with Alyx at [63.0, 50.3] under the central pavilion in the celebration area outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris:

It would be easier to herd cats than coordinate this event.

Gossip Do you have any harder challenges?

Harder? Well, there has been an issue with the former event coordinator. She has stolen some of our supplies and started leaving cryptic notes hinting at how we might re-acquire them.

I am reluctant to entrust this knowledge to anyone, lest they find themselves endlessly searching down fruitless paths.

But if you insist, I can share these EXTREMELY cryptic puzzles with you.

Gossip I am absolutely sure. Give me your toughest riddles.

Ransom notes in Dornogal

This pops up a confirmation prompt:

Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.

Accept, and Alyx's dialogue continues:

Very well. I will leave these ransom notes on the nearby bulletin board.

I hope you know some brilliant allies who can help you in your search.


On 22 October, the  [Hazy Celebration Crate] location at [54.0, 58.1] at the Kodo Graveyard in Desolace was secretly revealed well before the start of the event, hidden on the blog post about patch 11.0.5 going live with a screenshot of the Desolace location. While alive, the area has some glowy light coming out of the ground, as the crate is only available while dead. Consider removing all gear, flying straight up, and dismounting. The nearest graveyard is a short distance away. Loot the crate and accept the quest while dead.

The fastest way there for Horde characters is to fly from Orgrimmar or Thunder Bluff. Alliance characters can consider the mage's [Portal: Theramore], the portal to Uldum from the Eastern Earthshrine in Stormwind, the portal to the Caverns of Time from Stormwind, or flying from Ratchet via Booty Bay. Druids with [Dreamwalk] can connect through Feralas via the Emerald Dreamway.

This crate also has an alternate location in Outland's Nagrand, first discovered on 15 November, which can only be picked up on alts (as crate quests are once-per-character). Only one crate location counts for the achievement, so there is no need to pick up the alternate location. Players must fly to [21, 60] to find the small altar on the other side of the ridge behind the Ancestral Grounds. Remove all gear, fly straight up, and dismount. Don't miss the altar by falling off the edge of Nagrand!

From the spirit healer, run back toward the altar from the direction of Forge Camp: Fear. At [21, 55] turn south and run up the hill to find some Curious Haze at [21, 57] by an unclimbable wall. This haze will only be visible on characters who HAVE NOT completed the hazy crate quest from Desolace. Interact with it to launch up and forward to get back to the altar to find the alternate location of the Hazy crate. Loot the crate and start the quest before resurrecting.


The  [Damp Ransom Note] in the top-left corner of Alyx's call board

On 28 October, after unlocking the ransom notes from Alyx, the  [Damp Ransom Note] lights up, attached to Alyx's call board a few yards to her right. It reads:

Damp Ransom Note

The location of one of your precious supply crates will require you to take a Dive. Its location is on the tip of my friend Gerald's tongue. However, a nearby turtle Bars your way, and only if you Dig into your pocket will you be able to obtain what makes Gerald happy enough to open up.

Maru reacts to the note but doesn't help:

Gossip Can you help me with this ransom note?

<Maru examines the note.>

Nuh-uh, this is too hard even for a sleuf like me!

I fink you're gonna need to ask some other friends for halp.

The suspiciously capitalized words in the ransom note point to the Dive Bar at [54, 54] in the river west of Dazar'alor in Zuldazar on Zandalar. Gerald the conch is found at [54.2, 54.2] on the upper level of the bar on the west side of the river. To interact with it, find Nikto in the bar, purchase a  [Clam Digger], and speak with the conch to have it open and reveal a  [Soggy Celebration Crate]. Don't drink the Clam Digger!

Horde characters can get there by taking the portal to Dazar'alor from Orgrimmar. Alliance characters should take the portal to Boralus from Stormwind City, then speak with Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth at [67.9, 26.6] at the stern of the ship and take the Zuldazar option. If Alliance characters have not unlocked Zandalar transport (part of the Battle for Azeroth campaign), take the boat from the Echo Isles in Durotar to Zandalar instead.


On 31 October, the  [Sandy Ransom Note] appeared on Alyx's call board. It reads:

Sandy Ransom Note

From flats to bends
At Rustmaul's end
You'll find the truth
To this crate's end

The note references the Shimmering Flats and Rustmaul Dig Site of Thousand Needles before the Cataclysm. The dig site is now known as the Sunken Dig Site. Dive in and enter the silithid-filled cave mouth at [66.3, 86.2], equip the  [Idol of Ohn'ahra], then swim to the marked end of the cave to find the  [Water-Resistant Receipt] of Sale at [64.9, 84.4] in an air bubble. The receipt has the flavor text "A receipt of sale, laminated in arcane magic and signed by the Purveyor of Exotic Goods."

The <Exotic Goods> title previously belonged to Vashti the Wandering Merchant in Azsuna who sold decidedly non-exotic wares, so he now bears the <General Goods> title. The fastest way there is the portal to Azsuna from Stormwind City or Orgrimmar. Vashti patrols the eastern road, likely at the southern end around [66.9, 44.0] in the Olivian Veil. In addition to his normal wares, Vashti has several new purchases:

Vashti the Wandering Merchant
Item Cost Type
 [Aesthetician's Coupon Book] 500g ?
 [Bottle of Steam] 50g ?
 [Scroll of Fel Binding] 500g 4 o'clock: Doom
 [Exotic Critter Taming License] 500g ?
 ["Dogg-Saron" Costume] 25,000g  [Perky Pug] costume 2 o'clock: Pray
 [Stone of Prophecy] 5,000g ?
 [Sandy Celebration Crate] 500g This task!

Purchase the  [Sandy Celebration Crate] from Vashti and head back to the Caverns of Time.


On 31 October, the  [Dirt-Caked Ransom Note] also appeared on Alyx's call board. It reads:

Dirt-Caked Ransom Note

Don't- 4get the n1ghtmare place! Your crate will be- 1n the last 5pot you Think of.

For secret hunters, "nightmare" immediately brings to mind the Riddle of the Lucid Nightmare, where the  [Lucid Nightmare] mount ended up in the Forgotten Crypt in Deadwind Pass outside Karazhan. Enter the crypt at [39.8, 72.9] west of the tower of Karazhan in Morgan's Plot and reset the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] to (0, 0). Head down the steps through the Well of the Forgotten and enter the Pauper's Walk. Take a right at [35.5, 74.0] heading north counter-clockwise down the curvy path. When the zone changes back to Forgotten Crypt in the large rectangular room, head southwest to the Upside-down Sinners and swim across it to the Slough of Dispair. The  [Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate] is at (-41, -15) or [22.4, 83.7] in the southwest corner of the room.

The fastest way to Deadwind Pass for Alliance characters is to fly out of Stormwind City. Horde characters can take the mage's [Portal: Stonard], or connecting from Grom'gol Base Camp or Booty Bay. Completing the Riddle of the Lucid Nightmare is not necessary, as the crypt is open to all.


On 5 November, the  [Battered Celebration Crate] was revealed as part of the day's hidden local stories quests in N [30-80] Restoring A Grand Tale. The crate is at [29.4, 6.4] at the mouth of the wolf cave in Rivenwood, Howling Fjord.

While searching for pages of the Green Hills of Stranglethorn, players will come across two scraps of paper, each containing a  [Torn Note]. One is at [63.3, 49.5] under the Fashion Frenzy stage behind the crates near Madam Gosu, which reads:

Good places to stash the supplies:

* Conquest Hold. Head 10 paces south from the south gate, then 57 paces east to a big tree stump.
* Maybe to make it a bit harder... I can put the key here and the supplies...

The other is at [61.3, 50.9] under Meerah's caravan, which reads:

* No keys! It's too much work.
* I just headed another 34 paces east and 22 south and hid it within some rocks near a cave mouth.
* Wolves present for extra danger!
* Not sure what kind of ransom clue to do though... I'll save it to last.

Head to Conquest Hold in the Grizzly Hills. The easiest way there is the portal to Dalaran above Crystalsong Forest. The Alliance can take a ship to Valgarde from Stormwind City, or the Horde can take a portal to Vengeance Landing from outside the Undercity. At the south entrance to the hold at roughly [21.6, 67.3] reset the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] to (0, 0) then head to (57, -10) or [32.6, 69.9] to find the mentioned tree stump.

As the second part of the note indicates that there's nothing actually at the stump, reset the thinking cap again and head to (34, -22) or [29.4, 6.4] (in the Howling Fjord coordinates) at the southern end of the wolf cave mouth in Rivenwood to find the Battered Celebration Crate.


On 7 November, the  [Sun-Baked Ransom Note] got pinned to Alyx's call board. It reads:

Sun-Baked Ransom Note

Next one's just a hop and a skip,
If you care to take a dip.
Keep on going down, down, down,
You'll end up back in Tinkertown.

Just off the eastern shore of Southbreak Shore in Tanaris are two underwater gnomish buildings, what was previously Gnopetto's workshop before the Cataclysm. Dive in, and swim up to the second floor of the building on the right to find at roughly [69.2, 68.6] the  [Waterlogged Celebration Crate] behind the bed.


 [Burnt Ransom Note] on the top-right of Alyx's call board

On 12 November, Alyx pinned the  [Burnt Ransom Note] to their call board. It reads:

Burnt Ransom Note

Where ancient trees stand proud and tall,
You'll be careful not to fall.
To save small friends from an imminent demise,
The method you use may be a surprise.

On Mount Hyjal in the Whistling Grove after unlocking the Firelands Invasion, Mylune asks players to save some stranded Hyjal Bear Cubs by chucking them from the tops of trees to a Soft Target in the form of a trampoline. This is perfectly safe, the N [32-35 Daily] Those Bears Up There daily quest assures us. The  [Charred Celebration Crate] is at [13.6, 33.5] at the base of the trampoline.

The fastest way there is the portal to Mount Hyjal from the Eastern and Western Earthshrines in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City.


On 13 November, Alyx posted the  [Mildewed Ransom Note] on their board. It reads:

Mildewed Ransom Note

Take a trek from molten peak to where rain retreats.
Then from where the groves whisper to a hold of timber.
Now embarking on an old feather moon retrace your steps to find your stolen treats.

Last year's Secrets of Azeroth had a series of clues across the Barrens for  [Mimiron's Jumpjets] that eventually read "Top of Thunder Peak". A Potion of Truth is found at [47.9, 38.4] atop the Thunder Peak in Ashenvale, one of the locations for the Mimiron's Booster Part located in Felwood. Picking up the potion grants a 30-minute buff that will be lost upon leaving Kalimdor, hearthing, or teleporting.

Ability paladin empoweredsealstruth.png Potion of Truth — Truth revealed Instant. 30 minute duration

The note mentions four locations. Equip the thinking cap atop Thunder Peak to reset it to (0, 0) and travel to the small moonwell at [62.1, 51.0] inside the tower at Raynewood Retreat to measure (81, -49). Take off the thinking cap and fly to the small moonwell at [44.0, 28.4] at Whisperwind Grove in Felwood. Ignore the The Sixth Clue arrow, as that was for Secrets of Azeroth. Re-equip the Thinking Cap to reset it to (0, 0) again and head northeast to Timbermaw Hold. Stop at [64.3, 10.4] at the mouth of the cave to record (122, 72).

With those vectors recorded, return to Thunder Peak, drink the Potion of Truth, and fly down to the Ruins of Feathermoon on Sardor Isle off the coast of Feralas. Starting from the end of the dock at [31.1, 40.2] on the northern shore of the island (the embarking text from the note is the clue here), reset the thinking cap once more to (0, 0), then head to (81, -49) or [42.9, 50.9] off the Forgotten Coast, reset the thinking cap once more and fly to (122, 72) or [60.4, 35.4] to find the  [Mildewed Celebration Crate] tucked in a corner in Eldreth Row in the exterior of Dire Maul. The crate is only visible while the Potion of Truth buff is active.

The potion was found earlier on 13 November before the ransom note was posted, and the crate itself was spotted on 1 November while scouring the world with the  [Idol of Ohn'ahra] before it was properly hidden.


On 14 November, Alyx posted the  [Shiny Ransom Note] on their board. It reads:

Shiny Ransom Note

Across the plains where orcs would wander,
A peculiar sight will make you ponder.
A crystal mound has made its home,
Where ancient spirits forever roam.

The ancestral home of orcs is Nagrand in Outland. The crystal mound is Oshu'gun, on the Spirit Fields. On the north face of the crystal, enter the mouth of the cave at [35.8, 67.5] and head south. In the interior, look for the  [Crystallized Celebration Crate] at [35.3, 74.7] on the north wall.

The fastest way there is the portals to Shattrath City from Orgrimmar or Stormwind City.

Surprisingly Pristine

On 19 November, Alyx posted the  [Surprisingly Pristine Ransom Note]. It reads:

Surprisingly Pristine Ransom Note

Andrestrasz guards the bones to the fallen warrior of the Weeping Bluffs.

Andrestrasz is located at [43.8, 89.4] in the cave behind Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom. This cave is on Kalimdor and not in the raid. Summon a dog-based battle pet (like  [Tobias' Leash] or the  [Perky Pug]) behind Andrestrasz at [44.6, 90.0] and it will dig up the  [Mysterious Bones].

The Weeping Bluffs are in Stormheim, where the Alliance ship crashed. Get there by taking the portals to Dalaran above the Broken Isles from Stormwind City or Orgrimmar or by using the  [Dalaran Hearthstone]. Head to the Unmarked Grave at [37.4, 47.6] on Bluffpoint and place the bones there:

While burying the bones, you find a crate hidden in the unmarked grave.

This turns up the  [Surprisingly Pristine Celebration Crate].


On 21 November, Alyx posted the  [Ghostly Ransom Note]. It reads:

Ghostly Ransom Note

In the heart of this land, where warlords tread,
Seek the seat where destinies are read.
Above the halls, where banners wave,
Sits the treasure that you crave.

"Warlords" seems like a Warlords of Draenor reference, but it's actually referring to the final home for dead warlords, Maldraxxus. Atop the Seat of the Primus on the Bleak Redoubt, find the  [Ghostly Celebration Crate] at [50.0, 73.8]. The crate is on the exterior portal level (the building's lap, as it were), not on the very top of the structure.

Get to Maldraxxus by taking the portal to Oribos in Orgrimmar/Stormwind, then take a flight path to Maldraxxus. If Oribos is bugged and no NPCs are present, go to Dornogal and take the Timeways portal, then go to Ardenweald or Bastion and take a flight path to Maldraxxus.

Local stories

Local stories are tracked in the  [Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager] achievement.

Local stories
# Date Local story Quest
1 11-4 The Case of Misfortune N [30-80] Deck Dismay
2 11-5 The Case of a Good Book N [30-80] Restoring A Grand Tale
3 11-8 The Loud and Smelly Case N [30-80] The Case of the Fur-Getting Wikket
4 11-11 The Case of an Old Soul N [30-80] Nola's Last Wish
5 11-12 The Case of Great Aspirations N [30-80] From Ashes to Wisdom
6 11-15 The Case of a Feathered Friend N [30-80] A Bird's Tail
7 11-18 The Case of Pet Games N [30-80] Battle Pet Bingo
8 11-18 The Case of Missing Mementos N [30-80] Lost and... Found?
9 11-19 The Case of Staged Disaster N [30-80] The Show Must Go On

Individual days' quests are independent from each other, but are listed in event order:


On 4 November, the crate beside Alyx had a Darkmoon Fortune Card appear behind it, containing the  [Six of Frost]. Speak with Alyx after looting it, then find Alphonse Constant by the Story Time stage to pick up N [30-80] Deck Dismay.

While the quest is active, The  [Idol of Ohn'ahra] will point to the remaining cards. They can be found at:

After completing the quest, Alphonse will tell fortunes using three of the 32 cards. They are all listed in the fortunes section of his article.

Good Book

On 5 November, Alyx offered a new quest, N [30-80] Torn Dreams, that points to Raenie Fizzlebog looking for help finding lost pages from the  [Green Hills of Stranglethorn]. Raenie immediately turns around and starts N [30-80] Restoring A Grand Tale, which is the objective for the achievement.

There's a built-in skip, as Cravitz Lorent at [63.6, 48.7] under the Fashion Frenzy stage sells completed copies for 100g.

Use the  [Idol of Ohn'ahra] to find pages scattered across the celebration area:

While the quest is active, pages 6 or 11 are guaranteed drops from all six anniversary bosses, but they are on the daily loot lockout. Duplicates can drop, so it may take more than two boss kills. Pages 25 and 27 are high (but not guaranteed) drops from the Sand Devils inside the Caverns of Time cave heading down to the lower level. Duplicates can also drop here, so keep killing until both pages drop.

In addition to the pages directly required for this quest, several other notes showed up at the same time:

Loud and Smelly

On 8 November, Alyx started N [30-80] A Hozen On My Back, pointing to Riko and Shademaster Kiryn. They're looking for a companion in N [30-80] The Case of the Fur-Getting Wikket.

Speak with Riko, Kiryn, Breanni, and Sully "The Pickle" McLeary in the celebration area before heading to the Jade Forest. Sully mentioned a bridge west of Serpent's Heart in the center of the zone at [42.5, 60.2] over the Slicky Stream. Equip the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] to reset it to (0, 0) and head in the direction of (10, -40) or [43.4, 68.7] to reach a small graveyard at Serpent's Overlook. Use the  [Torch of Pyrreth] on the right-hand grave marker to spawn Gizmo!

Toggle run/walk (with the default hotkey of Num Pad /), then follow and slooowly catch up to the undead raccoon, who never hurt anyone. Consider targeting Gizmo with /tar Gizmo, then placing a Target marker over his head to make the search easier. After turning in the quest, Riko will mail  [Gizmo the Pure] to players five minutes later.

Old Soul

On 11 November, Alyx started N [30-80] Nola's Last Wish. Check in with Lashk at [63.9, 52.5], not far from the Story Time stage. Then head to the Tortaka Refuge in northeastern Vol'dun at [62, 22] on Zandalar.

Horde characters can take the portal to Dazar'alor from Orgrimmar. Alliance characters can connect through Boralus by taking the portal from Stormwind City and speaking with Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth at [67.9, 26.7] at the stern of the ship and choosing the Vol'dun option. If characters have not completed the Alliance War Campaign (part of the greater Battle for Azeroth campaign), take the ship from the Echo Isles instead.

Speak with Elder Kuppaka at [61.6, 20.5], then head southeast of the refuge at [64, 26] at the Darkwood Shoal to find a dead Tortaka Tribesman. Whip out the  [Idol of Ohn'ahra] and it will point to the message board, that when hovered over shows 132, 429, and  [Nola's Last Wish].

Reset the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] to (0, 0) at the scroll location and head to (-132, -429) all the way to the southwest to [24.4, 44.5] off the western shore of Zuldazar to find the tortollan wedding! Use the Nola's Last Wish scroll to summon her spirit. Speak with her.

Great Aspirations

On 12 November, Alyx started N [30-80] A Legacy of Destruction. One of the non-rotating characters at the battle pet area at [61.8, 49.8] is Voidfire. He immediately starts N [30-80] From Ashes to Wisdom.

Travel to the Burning Steppes from Stormwind City, or by taking the portal to Twilight Highlands from the Western Earthshrine, connecting through Grom'gol Base Camp from Orgrimmar, or using a mage's [Portal: Stonard]. While in the zone, the map will display the quest area. Head just east of the Ruins of Thaurissan at [61.1, 29.5] and use the provided  [Whelpling Whistle] to summon Voidfire and exhaust his gossip options.

Fly directly north over the ridge into the Badlands and head to [31.1, 48.7] on the north rim of the Scar of the Worldbreaker and speak with Voidfire again.

Mount up and aim for the Bastion of Twilight off in the distance to the northeast in the Twilight Highlands, then look at the map to travel to the Twilight Breach.

Finally, fly to the Shimmering Expanse of Vashj'ir, off the western coast of the Eastern Kingdoms, west of Dun Morogh. The quest marker is at [39.1, 64.5] on the eastern edge of the Ruins of Vashj'ir in Quel'Dormir Gardens.

Feathered Friend

On 15 November, Alyx started N [30-80] A Bird's Tale, pointing to Reshad, who started N [30-80] A Bird's Tail. Reshad hands over the  [Decorated Feather], which has the flavor text "This feather has been decorated with ancient Arakkoa beading. It appears to have fallen from a great height as some of the beads have shattered."

Get to Draenor via the  [Garrison Hearthstone] or the portals to Stormshield or Warspear in Ashran from Stormwind City or Orgrimmar.

Head to the Windswept Terrace in western Spires of Arak, where a  [Burnt Feather] turns up at [45.7, 53.6] in the Alignment Controls. It has the flavor text "The feather looks battle-worn, burnt, torn in areas, and a strange green liquid is dripping off the end of it."

A big city with strange green (fel?) liquid would be the Shattrath Overlook of Shattrath City in northwest Talador. Find a  [Plucked Feather] and some Torn Scrolls at [29.6, 29.5] on a rock by the lake. The feather has the flavor text of "The feather appears to have been purposely plucked and altered to be missing exactly 48 barbs on the left and has a remaining 93 barbs on the right."

Bring out the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] and head to (-48, 93) or [83.8, 19.4] on the Elemental Plateau of Nagrand. The  [Frozen Feather] is on top of the mountain, with flavor text of "The feather is frozen and has a strange combination of scents: volcanic ash, saltwater, and engine oil."

Somewhere with a ship in Frostfire Ridge is the Frostwall Shipyard, the Horde Garrison. At [42.1, 67.5] on the surface (not in the cave!) overlooking the southern coast, find the  [Normal Feather], with flavor text "The feather appears unaltered as expected at the start of a journey."

Pet Games

On 18 November, Alyx started N [30-80] Pet Pursuit, pointing to Jepetto Joybuzz, who began N [30-80] Battle Pet Bingo. He is looking for two special pets noted in the  [Bingo Card] he hands over.

Head to the Jade Forest via the portals in Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. A huge quest blob lights up the southern third of the zone map. The Bamboo Wilds are north and east of Pearlfin Village and Pearl Lake. Whip out the  [Idol of Ohn'ahra] and head east of the lake to [64.0, 80.8] to spot the Jumping Spider.

Really high up in the snowy area would be one of the mountains in Kun-Lai Summit. Skip ahead to the highest peak, that of Neverest Pinnacle, to find the Summit Kid at [44.4, 52.5] on the very peak overlooking the statue of Ren Yun the Blind.

Missing Mementos

Alyx and the Lost & Found crate

Also on 18 November, Alyx started their own quest, N [30-80] Lost and... Found?, tasking adventurers with returning five items from the Lost & Found crate to five guests at the celebration area using  [Alyx's Lost & Found Notes]:

Missing Mementos
Memento Coords Character
 [Well-Worn Almanac] [63.1, 52.0] Farmer Yoon
 [Tiny Mechanical Mouse] [62.2, 49.7] Oglethorpe Obnoticus
 [Crude Ivory Locket] [63.5, 52.2] Mankrik
 [Potion Bottle] Patrols Marin Noggenfogger
 [Jade Amulet] [63.4, 51.8] John J. Keeshan

Staged Disaster

On 19 November, Alyx started N [30-80] Not Ready on Set which led to Dapperdew at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald, where he starts N [30-80] The Show Must Go On.

Get to Ardenweald via the portals to Oribos from Stormwind City or Orgrimmar, or while Mists of Tirna Scithe is in the Mythic+ rotation, take the portal to Ardenweald from the the Timeways in Dornogal.

Dapperdew hands over the  [Trickster's Riddles] that points to four locations:

Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle

A secret mount was added to the game alongside the rest of the anniversary content:  [Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle]. The steps to acquire it are more along the lines of a traditional secret rather than the quest-directed secrets for Guest Relations or Secrets of Azeroth, and will remain available after the anniversary event concludes.

See the Incognitro article for a full walkthrough.


Patch changes

  • TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png Hotfix (2024-12-20): Players must now be level 30 to accept and turn-in the Celebration Crate quests. Alyx will continue to be available to turn the crate quests in after the celebration ends in a year-round location.
  • TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png Patch 11.0.5 (2024-10-22): Added.
