Category talk:Rare elite mobs

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Since there are Category:Eastern Kingdoms rare mobs‎ and Category:Kalimdor rare mobs‎, should there be Category:Eastern Kingdoms rare elite mobs‎ and Category:Kalimdor rare elite mobs‎? --HordeRace bloodelf male.jpg Mordecay (talk) 15:33, 30 May 2020 (UTC)

No objections Xporc (talk) 22:34, 30 May 2020 (UTC)
Ok I categorized them. Took out some world bosses out of it because some had the category, and others didn't, so I assumed they were not meant to be since they are bosses. I also initially included instance rare elites there, but it seems they are not meant for Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms categories. Check if the categories are still ok when they don't include instance rare elites, tho --HordeRace bloodelf male.jpg Mordecay (talk) 11:18, 1 June 2020 (UTC)
The resulting categories are smaller than I expected, uh Xporc (talk) 08:54, 8 June 2020 (UTC)