Captain Whitney

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HordeCaptain Whitney
Image of Captain Whitney
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Affiliation(s) Forsaken
Former affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Captain
Status Deceased
Whitney reenacting his famous battle.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Captain Whitney was a Forsaken. In life, he was a human captain and decorated war hero of the Alliance who fought against orcs. In reality, Whitney was an ill-tempered, egotistical alcoholic who abused his men for the slightest offense, withheld rations from them while he never went hungry, got drunk every night and forced his soldiers to sing his praise.

One night, a drunk Whitney accidentally got tangled in the ropes of a catapult and launched himself into an orcish camp. The orcs believed they were being attacked and retaliated against the humans. At the end of the battle, the orcs were defeated at the cost of many lives on both sides and Whitney's soldiers found their captain hiding in the orcs' camp.

After this, Whitney's story was spun as propaganda to fuel the war effort and inspire new recruits to enlist. He became known as the "Fearless Flyer", a brave commander who launched himself voluntarily at the orcs in a bold surprise attack and slew many orcs single-handedly. The soldiers in his division had to propagate his lies for fear of punishment such as being locked in a dark box no larger than a coffin for days.

At some point, foot soldier Roland Meadows decided he had enough and spoke up against the captain, threatening to expose his lies. Whitney slit his throat in response and smiled as he died. He later sent all his men to their deaths while he survived the war to eventually die of old age much later.

Whitney was eventually raised as an undead and ended up joining the Forsaken. He spent his days at a pub in the Undercity "drinking" empty mugs of beer and telling tales of his exploits in life. One day, he was convinced by some of his former soldiers like Jeremiah Pall - having also become Forsaken - and Abel Meadows, son of the man he had murdered, to celebrate the anniversary of the battle against the orcs by reenacting the event. It was a trick however, and as he climbed up a catapult he was tied up and given a chance to tell the truth. He doubled down on his lies instead and Abel sent him flying away, confident that this time he would not survive the fall.[1]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • Although not explicitly stated, it is likely Whitney was commanding during the Second War.
  • The orange armor he wore in life could indicate he originally came from Alterac.
