Burnout (mage talent)

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For other uses, see Burnout (disambiguation).
Ability mage burnout.png
  • Burnout (5 ranks)
  • Tier 10 Fire mage talent
  • Passive
  • Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all Fire spells by 10/20/30/40/50% but your spell criticals cost an additional 1/2/3/4/5% of the spell's cost.
Class Mage

Burnout is a Mage talent in the Fire tree. It increases the critical strike damage bonus on all Fire spells (similar to Spell Power) but incurs a mana penalty on every crit.

The fully talented 5/5 ability provides 50% and applies to the damage bonus or component derived from critical strikes. Since critical strikes hit for 150% of a normal strike, that critical bonus or component is 50%, half (50%) of which is 25%. Therefore, taking this talent makes your fire spells crit for 175% of their normal damage.


  • Note that this talent has powerful synergy with [Ignite]. Since Ignite is not based on the critical bonus, but rather the total damage, Ignite provides an additional 40% of all Burnout's 175% critical damage. This raises total fire critical damage to 245%, compared to the untalented crit base of 150%, when both Burnout & Ignite talents are taken.
  • The mana cost increase can be made up for and surpassed by the mana gains of specializing into [Master of Elements].

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