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Brother Yakshoe

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NeutralBrother Yakshoe
Image of Brother Yakshoe
Title <Food & Drink>
Gender Male
Race Grummle (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Knucklethump Hole, Kun-Lai Summit; Celestial Court, Timeless Isle; Halfhill, Valley of the Four Winds
Status Alive

Brother Yakshoe is a grummle located in Kun-Lai Summit, the Valley of the Four Winds, and on the Timeless Isle.





Initial at Knucklethump Hole

You reek of fortune! Many thanks for saving me, Luckydo! You can call me brother Yakshoe.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

During quests at Knucklethump Hole and the Burlap Waystation
  • What's your luckydo? All travellers of great roads need their luckydos.
  • Brother Rabbitsfoot may be smart and tall, and smells of luck and good fortune. But he snores and makes bad jokes about my luckydo yakshoe.
  • The hozen fed my yaks to their pet yeti. This is most bad fortune.
  • Want to see my luckydo? This is the shoe of the yak that carried me when I was most small. Many years this shoe has given me much fortune.
Buy Let me browse your goods.
Halfhill Market

Most good fortune to you, <race>! My brother and I come from far away to share our luckydos.

Buy Let me browse your goods.


Main article: Bros Before Hozen#Notes
Main article: The Snackrifice#Notes
Main article: Hozen Love Their Keys#Notes

Patch changes

External links