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Bronzesmith Morgnal

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NeutralBronzesmith Morgnal
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Title <Blacksmithing & Engineering Supplies>
Race Bronze drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus

Bronzesmith Morgnal is a bronze drakonid located in Gelikyr Post in Thaldraszus.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Blacksmithing, engineering, and mining
Item Cost
 [Mining Pick] 1s 29c
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 1c
 [Primal Flux] 15g
 [Arclight Spanner] 9s 47c
 [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor] 1g 40s
 [Smudged Lens] 32g 50s


Tanner Ril says: Stop pacing. You're shaking the whole building at this point.
Bronzesmith Morgnal says: I'm not pacing. I'm tidying. There's very little space for the both of us here, so this place is useless if we aren't tidy!
Tanner Ril says: No amount of your tidying is going to make the shop any different. It is what it is.
Bronzesmith Morgnal says: There's no space. I can't work like this when there's no space!
Tanner Ril says: Just calm it down, Morg. Have yourself a sit.
Bronzesmith Morgnal says: THERE! IS! NO! SPACE!!
Tanner Ril says: Yup, that's good. Get it all out.
Bronzesmith Morgnal says: Ugh...

Patch changes

External links