Brewfest Chowdown (Alliance)

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AllianceBrewfest Chowdown
Start Britta Steinheart
End Britta Steinheart
Level 1-80 (Requires 1)
Category Brewfest
Experience 17,850
Rewards 25x  [Brewfest Prize Token]
23g 40s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [1-80] Brewfest Chowdown.
The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.


Participate in the Brewfest Chowdown.

  • Participate in the Brewfest Chowdown


Welcome, <class>! I hope you came with an empty stomach!

What's better, or more Brewfest, than sausage and brew? The Brewfest Chowdown is our new celebration of the things that make this festival great.

Take a seat and show us what you can eat. If you want more details before jumping in, just ask!


You will receive:
Inv misc coin 01.png 25x [Brewfest Prize Token]

You will also receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


Eat a sausage, drink some brew, then eat some more!


Well eaten! Every time you win, you'll receive a token as a reward. Once you collect five, come back to me and I can award you with a beautiful trophy!


Winning the event is not necessary to meet the criteria, but you need to stay for the entire duration.

Patch changes

External links