Bonebeak Vulture

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MobBonebeak Vulture
Image of Bonebeak Vulture
Race Vulture (Beast)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Brine Basin, Prisoners' Pass, Verdant Plateau, and Withering Gulch, Vol'dun
Status Killable
Pet family Carrion Bird

Bonebeak Vultures are vultures located in the Brine Basin, the Prisoners' Pass, and areas around the Verdant Plateau and Withering Gulch in Vol'dun.


Brine Basin
  • Ability druid ravage.png Claw — Claws at an enemy with razor sharp talons, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability skyreach wind.png Updraft — The caster beats their wings rapidly, causing an updraft of air, increasing their haste by 25% for 6 sec.
Prisoners' Pass and Verdant Plateau
  • Ability hunter eagleeye.png Bloody Talons — Claws at the enemy's face, inflicting Physical damage every 1 sec. for 6 sec.

Objective of

Patch changes

External links

Prisoners' Pass and Verdant Plateau Brine Basin