Bold Karasshi

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AllianceBold Karasshi
Image of Bold Karasshi
Race Jinyu (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Pearlfin Jinyu
Location Slingtail Pits, Jade Forest
Status Alive
Relative(s) Little Lu (younger brother)
Bold Karasshi as a prisoner of the hozen

Bold Karasshi is a jinyu warrior and a member of the Pearlfin tribe. He was captured by the Forest Hozen and imprisoned along with Admiral Taylor in a hozen prison. The Alliance adventurers encountered him in his cell, and they both worked together to free the admiral and their comrades from the Slingtail Pits. After escaping their captors, the Alliance and jinyu prisoners sought sanctuary in Pearlfin Village, home of the Pearlfin tribe. Bold Karasshi convinced his people to allow the Alliance to stay in Pearlfin Village until Admiral Taylor has fully recovered. Even before the Alliance formalized their alliance with the Pearlfin Jinyu, Karasshi was a helpful ally of the shipwrecked Alliance survivors as he sent his brother Little Lu to guide the SI:7 agents in the foreign wilderness.

Later on, the jinyu were preparing for a battle against the hozen and the Horde, and Karasshi was tasked with training the young jinyu.


Slingtail Pits
Pearlfin Village

Objective of


Initial gossip as a prisoner
  • I have no business with you, stranger. What do you want?
  • Yes, stranger?
After The Missing Admiral

Taylor fought against the hozen like a wild beast. He is a great credit to your people!

But in the end, he was overcome.

During his quests
  • My people fight to defend our last village. If we lose now, it will be the end of a lineage of once great emperors and philosophers.
  • This land once belonged to the great jinyu empire. As our kingdom has fallen into disrepair, we have lost more and more land to the relentless hozen tribes.
  • Do not mistake me for your friend. Over time, my people have learned that trust is too easily broken.
  • Only fools trust strangers, but I would rather trust a stranger than a hozen.
  • My people are wary of strangers. However, it seems I have no choice but to trust you.
Gossip in Pearlfin Village
  • We have been taught not to trust strangers, <class>.
  • Are you finding everything well, <name>?
  • May your waters never run dry.
  • You must be the outsider that everyone speaks of.
After quests
  • You have gazed upon one of the ancient jinyu emperors of Pandaria, <name>.
  • I believe the vision means for us to join together, <name>.
  • The Elder has much to consider, but I think it's clear. You are meant to lead us to victory against the hozen.
  • The spirit's voice echoed through me like thunder. Did you hear it?
  • We owe you a great debt, <race>.
  • Someday, perhaps you will show me your home. It must be very different than ours.
  • Your name will be spoken in our village for many years to come.
  • We are friends now, <name>. You are welcome to our village any time you wish to return.
Main article: Jailbreak#Notes
Main article: Helping the Cause#Notes


Patch changes

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