Bloodpetal Poison

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NeutralBloodpetal Poison
Start Torwa Pathfinder
End Torwa Pathfinder
Level 52 (Requires 50)
Category Druid
Experience 7350
Rewards 2x  [Major Healing Potion]
Previous N Druid [52] Torwa Pathfinder
Next N Druid [52G] Toxic Test


Collect 8 Bloodcap and 8 Gorishi Stings, and return to Torwa Pathfinder in Un'Goro Crater.


I would ask you to help me create a toxin of sorts, to pacify a great creature living here in the crater. It is not deadly, and only the keen eyes of a druid can hope to collect the ingredients.

You can find the bloodcap mushrooms growing within the bloodpetal sprouts all across the crater. Gorishi stings are from the insects inside and around the Slithering Scar, located in the southern part of the crater.


You will receive:
Inv potion 54.png 2x [Major Healing Potion]


Have you met with success?


The ingredients at last!

With the Un'Goro soil I have collected, the toxin is easily concocted...


  • Bloodpetal sprouts can be found on the ground all over Un'Goro. They look like a green sphere on the ground. The herbalism skill is not needed to get these. The bloodcaps do not come from the bloodpetals that move around, only from the stationary sprouts.
  • Even though the quest text says "wasp", the stingers drop off both the Gorishi Wasps and the Gorishi Stingers.


  1. N Druid [52] Torwa Pathfinder
  2. N Druid [52] Bloodpetal Poison
  3. N Druid [52G] Toxic Test
  4. N Druid [52D] A Better Ingredient

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