Blingtron's Secret Vault

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NeutralBlingtron's Secret Vault
Tanaan Jungle
Level 100 Rare!
Duration 10 hours
Followers 3
Mission Type Combat
Enemies IconSmall Alarm.gif Alarm-o-Bot
IconSmall Alarm.gif Alarm-o-Bot
IconSmall Pummeler.gif Crowd Pummeler 9-60
Cost 25 Garrison Resources
Follower XP 1,500
Bonus Chest  [Weapon Enhancement Token]


While we were occupied with the sabotage of the Dark Portal, Blingtron managed to build a vault of riches. Find it!


  • Type: Jungle
  • Alarm-o-Bot: Deadly Minions
  • Alarm-o-Bot: Minion Swarms
  • Crowd Pummeler 9-60: Massive Strike Group Damage


  • 1,500 follower XP


You will receive:
Garrison weaponupgrade.png [Weapon Enhancement Token]

Patch changes

External links