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Blacktar Bomber

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MobBlacktar Bomber
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Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tradewinds Market, Siege of Boralus
Status Killable

Blacktar Bombers are humans located in the Tradewinds Market at the Siege of Boralus.


  • Spell fire lavaspawn.png Burning Tar — Hurls a bomb of burning tar that explodes at a random enemy's destination, inflicting 1411 Fire damage to nearby enemies on impact and an additional 6222 Fire damage to enemies that remain within the pool.
  • Inv misc blackironbomb.png Fire Bomb — Hurls a fire bomb at an enemy, inflicting 1692 Fire damage on impact to all nearby enemies.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Immolation — Bursts into flames, Hurling flaming tar at random destinations that inflicts 3084 Fire damage on impact to nearby enemies and leaves a pool that inflicts 557 Fire damage every 1 sec.


  • No no no NO!!!
  • Not like this!!!
  • Wait wait WAIT!!!
  • WHY?!
  • Ashvane has a price on your head!
  • Boralus will burn!
  • I'll take a trophy from your corpse!
  • The city is ours!
  • You can't defeat Ashvane!

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