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Billyclub Billy

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AllianceBillyclub Billy
No image available
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Sailor
Location Kelp'thar Forest, Vashj'ir[42.6, 29.0]
Status Deceased (presumed)
Left to Right (Billyclub Billy, Crewman Bannon, Belindah, Captain Grembul)

Billyclub Billy is gnome located at the Kelp'thar Forest in Vashj'ir. He is one of the three survivors of Captain Grembul's crew. He is briefly seen being attacked by Ozumat and thrown in the air during the quest A [30-35] Call of Duty.


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He is seen sinking in the sea, but unlike the adventurer he is not rescued which would imply that he drowned or was killed by naga.

Patch changes

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