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Band of Blood Brothers

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NeutralBand of Blood Brothers
Start Brandolf
End Brandolf
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 16,450
Rewards  [Brand of a Blood Brother]
19g 40s
Previous N [45] Jarl Come Back Now
Next N [45] Fisherman's Tonic


Locate Katarine, Fjolrik, and Stokalfr in Muddledeep Cavern.


You are the one that Toryl was bellowing about? Perhaps you can help me.

When I set out to search for Throndyr, I was not alone. Three vrykul loyal to Throndyr also accompanied me. As you can plainly see, I now stand alone.

Find my kin, <name>.

I cannot bear to think that they also share Throndyr's fate.


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv bracer cloth vrykulcaster b 01.png [Brand of a Blood Brother]


I must know what has befallen my kin.


My kin are safe. Let us see to these serpents!



Katarine is locked in a cage by the naga.
Approach cage
Katarine says: I see that you are no ally to these naga, <race>! Get me out of this cage!
Katarine says: I must find Jarl Throndyr!


Fjolrik lies in front of several cages.

<The vrykul seems to be unconscious.>

Gossip Try to rouse the vrykul.

The player gives Fjolrik a swift kick.
Fjolrik says: Why did you kick me, you mongrel of Fenrir?
Fjolrik says: You are no naga! Where is Brandolf?
Fjolrik runs off.


Stokalfir is free but cornered, surrounded by naga corpses.
Stokalfr yells: Come closer if you want to die, naga!
By the horns on my head, I will kill every last one of these naga!

Gossip I am no naga, Stokalfr! I come on behalf of Brandolf!

Stokalfr says: Brandolf's alive! I must go to him!

  • Fjolrik's reference to "Fenrir" is likely meant to be for Fenryr, who is based off on Fenrir from norse mythology.


  1. N [45] Removing Obstacles
  2. N [45] Jarl Come Back Now
  3. N [45] Beach Bonfire & N [45] Band of Blood Brothers & N [45] Bite of the Sashj'tar
  4. N [45] Fisherman's Tonic
  5. N [45] Testing the Waters
  6. N [45] Jandvik's Last Hope
  7. Complete all of:
  8. N [45] Turning the Tidemistress & N [45] Shatter the Sashj'tar & N [45] Squid Out of Water

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